Escape From Stormcage December 17-20

Observations from my trip: – life is better when you assume positive intent The most interesting aspect of Vegas for me was the openness of the sex trade and that the abolitionists representing I believe Shared Hope International were holding up signs talking about the shame of Vegas, selling her daughters to sin, but having […]

Dems Echo GOP on Encryption

Dems Echo GOP on Encryption After Republican candidates recommended “closing up the Internet” and “penetrating the Internet” as tactics to preventing coordinations for domestic terrorist attacks, the Democratic Party candidates faced a question about privacy versus security of their own during Saturday night’s debate. In response to the a question on getting tech companies to […]

Inside the Birdcage – October 4, 2015

I really, really need to stop being surprised by people.  Although, honestly, it is kind of nice to know that I can still be surprised. This week has brought us, among other things, the promise that if we vote for the Conservative Party, that it will lead to the development of a a “Barbaric cultural […]

Pest Management Part II

I believe that Canada should be working with this organization as per the maternal narrative of the children of the fighters of the D’aash, in order to promote peace and installl a rule of law during the refugee crisis through trade and negotions with cooperative interfaith agencies. Isis International I think that groups like Nutella […]

Strategies for Defeating the D’aash

The D’aasch narrative – that the Caliphrate will expunge the Western Devil and bring back a form of lasting peace to the Middle East through the interpretation and implementation of Sharia law is best countered through a well constructed humour and education campaign rather than through brute force and desperation. Supporting pivotal figures like Malala in the media as rallying points for the Abrahamic spirit of the Jihadi warrior will be encumbent, as will the diversion of financial investgators and social engineers and disruptors.