Hosting Services Now Available

I am now offering peer to peer advertising services via my website here on a negotiable contractual basis; my preference will continue to be given to charitable and socially beneficial organizations, but I do have to eat.  Writing isn’t, oddly enough, known for it’s ability to put money in your pocket easily. Peer to Peer […]

Business Plan Idea Broad Strokes

I had envisioned a fashion game to go with my blog where the graphics in the shop linked to actual fair trade cooperatives and original point of sales vendors, with the option to buy in for the right to buy any designs you made in the design shop using available materials, so that if the […]

Peer to peer ethical trade and human trafficking

The most frequently overlooked aspect of trafficking is the labour trade market, which forces people in conflict zones to find work through companies which extort them, and they mine things like rare minerals used to build cellphones and blood diamonds, depending on the area. The closer you get to the original source, the worse the […]

Escape from Stormcage January 22, 2016

Today I learned that one of my favourite boutiques in town is going out of business, which is a damned shame; its funky and elegant and the prices are reasonable and everything is more or less luxury fair trade.  Apparently she has to close because she is tired, and I can understand that, but I […]

Life As a Woman Online

I don’t go out very often because I deal with severe social anxiety and depression as a result of my time on the Training Floor and repeated injuries – it often seems as though my entire life is dedicated simply to physio, walking the dog, writing, or sleeping – but when I do go out, […]

The Threads of Trade

Today I went into town and went shopping, as per my regular MO.  I am looking into work and moving, and rather than have to bring boxes in and out of my rather cramped space more than once, I decided instead to buy another trunk to put my things in, which ran me $30.00 at […]

Fair Trade Principles in slow fashion and the economy

Fair trade principles state that through the intellectual and financial empowerment of individuals and through community building, advocacy and awareness campaigns, financial literacy and personal development programs, we can improve not just the quality of life but both industry and environmental standards. One of the primary difficulties I encounter while advocating for trafficking victims and […]

Another Rendition 

So it’s like 3 am and I’m thinking about torture, black sites, abolitionism, the Dark Web, and trying to figure out how to fund a life. It’s dark except for my smoke and the cell light here in Stormcage, just the way I like it, and all I can hear is The Hum.  They’ve been […]