Proposal for complementary medicine trial on veterans awaiting VAC Services Based off of New Scientific Discovery Regarding the Nature of Organic Disorders

I recently have had the discussion with a couple of my contacts regarding the risk versus loss of a study utilizing vitamins and minerals based off of hair analysis on Canadian veterans awaiting VAC services, and in light of the recent immolation by an American vet who lost his fight for his benefits and due […]

The Pharmacodynamics of Mefloquine

The psychological effects of Mefloquine are a nightmare, literally; every soldier I have spoken to talks about the Meflomares and how they knew it was fucking them up but not how exactly or who to tell about it. Mefloquine acts as a chemotherapeutic prophylactic agent against malaria, and stops the body from transporting adenosine diphosphate […]

Project Runaway Brat Reboot

Last fall while I was staying at Magdalene House and playing Magic with Holden, the Great Satan and I were discussing the issue of extremism in Canadian youths, and how that might best be addressed. The concept that he and I eventually hammered out basically relied on the phrase “We are Legion” used by Anonymous, […]

Operation Red Shawl – To REDDress the Missing and Murdered Women Issue in Canada

It crossed my mind today that there are a few universal symbols that transfers ideological dogmatic borders, one of which is the fact that International Humanitarian efforts during times of conflict must generally be organized from a grassroots level in order to make and continue sustained growth of the intersecting economic tangents involved in operations. […]

Another Rendition 

So it’s like 3 am and I’m thinking about torture, black sites, abolitionism, the Dark Web, and trying to figure out how to fund a life. It’s dark except for my smoke and the cell light here in Stormcage, just the way I like it, and all I can hear is The Hum.  They’ve been […]

Business Idea Two – Video Game

I saw the introduction to what looks like an amazing feminist video game; based in a “developing” nation (? under sharia law) a princess in imprisoned by her own council, escapes, and returns to restore herself to the throne just to abolish the monarchy.  Princess Demolishes Monarchy Theoretical Game  (Please note this game coder recently […]

Game Idea – Fair Trade Business

I play several fashion design simulator games.  If you don’t know how that works, it is like being a dressmaker.  You can often compete in fashion shows, and like any other game, you use tokens. I have the idea of taking this another step further.  Basically, a shopping and design simulator using fair trade products […]