Confessions of a Mythological Being

Some background for those trying to follow along on my journeys. I have a very rare bleeding disorder. Its very complicated, and involves platelets, mast cells, and probably uric acid crystals causing widespread inflammation, including intracranial.  My doctor isn’t really sure how I’m alive, and encourages me to embrace the self identity of a superhero […]

Nothing Like An Anniversary…..

Next Monday marks the thirteenth anniversary of my first encounter with human traffickers. There’s really not much point in going into the story behind that run in, except to state unequivocally that the day in question essentially shaped the rest of my life, and is when I began both physical training and researching in earnest. […]

Business Plan Idea Broad Strokes

I had envisioned a fashion game to go with my blog where the graphics in the shop linked to actual fair trade cooperatives and original point of sales vendors, with the option to buy in for the right to buy any designs you made in the design shop using available materials, so that if the […]

Peer to peer ethical trade and human trafficking

The most frequently overlooked aspect of trafficking is the labour trade market, which forces people in conflict zones to find work through companies which extort them, and they mine things like rare minerals used to build cellphones and blood diamonds, depending on the area. The closer you get to the original source, the worse the […]

Waging Peace Part III

The invasion of my own life is going quite well actually; I spoke to a female leader about some of my ideas regarding energy divestment and peace brokering.  I explained what an Article 5 Decision was and how trafficking fits in with regards to fuel and energy. Personal problems have me overwhelmed though which is […]