Business Idea Two – Video Game

I saw the introduction to what looks like an amazing feminist video game; based in a “developing” nation (? under sharia law) a princess in imprisoned by her own council, escapes, and returns to restore herself to the throne just to abolish the monarchy.  Princess Demolishes Monarchy Theoretical Game  (Please note this game coder recently […]

Game Idea – Fair Trade Business

I play several fashion design simulator games.  If you don’t know how that works, it is like being a dressmaker.  You can often compete in fashion shows, and like any other game, you use tokens. I have the idea of taking this another step further.  Basically, a shopping and design simulator using fair trade products […]

On Slenderman and Thrill Testing

I read an article recently via Hunter Stinson, who also hunts pedophiles and I imagine has dreams similar to mine; I know he has mental health issues as much as I do — go figure.  If you’ve never had the pleasure of writing about pedophilia with your buddy over breakfast, you haven’t really lived.  That’s […]

Buckle Up

I really and honestly believe we as a nation need to have a discussion about dialogue and communications, particularly with the passing of Bill C-51. I have a lot of questions about that bill, particularly since it was written and passed apparently in conflict with the international policies regarding privacy and the right to […]

Sticky Solutions to Sticky Problems

The medium is the message. As long as mass hysteria fuelled by religious orthodoxy of any kind exists, there is going to be ignorance and confusion.  Unfortunately, within the rank and file of Islam, the majority of adherents really have no idea what it is that they believe.  Same with extremist fundamentalist Christians of course. […]

Strategies for Defeating the D’aash

The D’aasch narrative – that the Caliphrate will expunge the Western Devil and bring back a form of lasting peace to the Middle East through the interpretation and implementation of Sharia law is best countered through a well constructed humour and education campaign rather than through brute force and desperation. Supporting pivotal figures like Malala in the media as rallying points for the Abrahamic spirit of the Jihadi warrior will be encumbent, as will the diversion of financial investgators and social engineers and disruptors.