How I Woke Up A Cartoon Character

Last fall when I was working on the first of my mefloquine essays, I…  I got carried away with my scatter fire.  LIke…..  I was prepared to sacrifice my Facebook life for it, and claim that the spam attacks weren’t me but that I had been hacked.

I peppered Doctrine Man’s page with everything I knew on the subject, and he occasionally posted on human trafficking articles.  This was way back last year before the election was even called.  I think I annoyed him.  😀

Anyways, one day I rolled out of bed and while applying mascara and reading my morning dose of bad news, I found an article interviewing the famous Doctrine Man in his lair, and he mentioned the imaginary friends he had, Doctrine Dominatrix and The Great Satan.  At that point… the debate in public policy was more or less at a lull except within certain circles within the army community and news junkies — policy writing being in many ways similar to alcoholism, and best done with those whose company you enjoy — and it was kind of like “who else could he be talking about?  Oh! Oh.”

On the whole, I enjoy being a cartoon.  But it’s strange.

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