An Abolitionist’s Disgust

I’m not really sure what to say; I’m trying to deal with a lot of my own health issues and frankly I find American politics detrimental to my remission; it’s too much to expect me to be civil and engaging with people who are so wrapped up in their need to defend themselves against their […]

Escape From Stormcage December 17-20

Observations from my trip: – life is better when you assume positive intent The most interesting aspect of Vegas for me was the openness of the sex trade and that the abolitionists representing I believe Shared Hope International were holding up signs talking about the shame of Vegas, selling her daughters to sin, but having […]

Fair Trade Principles in slow fashion and the economy

Fair trade principles state that through the intellectual and financial empowerment of individuals and through community building, advocacy and awareness campaigns, financial literacy and personal development programs, we can improve not just the quality of life but both industry and environmental standards. One of the primary difficulties I encounter while advocating for trafficking victims and […]

Business Idea Two – Video Game

I saw the introduction to what looks like an amazing feminist video game; based in a “developing” nation (? under sharia law) a princess in imprisoned by her own council, escapes, and returns to restore herself to the throne just to abolish the monarchy.  Princess Demolishes Monarchy Theoretical Game  (Please note this game coder recently […]

Game Idea – Fair Trade Business

I play several fashion design simulator games.  If you don’t know how that works, it is like being a dressmaker.  You can often compete in fashion shows, and like any other game, you use tokens. I have the idea of taking this another step further.  Basically, a shopping and design simulator using fair trade products […]

The Red Shawl

In classical religious art, depictions of androgynous figures with long flowing auburn locks and wearing red robes are often mistaken erroneously as depicting men.  The truth is that the colour robe has historically been used by all the Abrahamic religions as a superstitious and totemic means of preventing demons like Lilith from harming girl children, […]

Cam Girl Land #3

I started a video chat room on a free webcam/camblogging site which traditionally caters to the ever increasing demand for free sex.  Granted, as real estate goes, I probably could have found a better site for hosting purposes, but I’m not so sure about that. After all, if I am going to work in […]

The Right to Bare Nipples but Not Wear a Scarf

Humans are such painfully confusing creatures to me some days. I have never been male, so I can’t imagine what it is like, but when you are born a woman, people constantly police everything about you. Your voice – it’s volume, it’s pitch, how excited you can and cannot be about something you love while […]