Escape From Stormcage December 17-20

Observations from my trip: – life is better when you assume positive intent The most interesting aspect of Vegas for me was the openness of the sex trade and that the abolitionists representing I believe Shared Hope International were holding up signs talking about the shame of Vegas, selling her daughters to sin, but having […]

Nothing Like An Anniversary…..

Next Monday marks the thirteenth anniversary of my first encounter with human traffickers. There’s really not much point in going into the story behind that run in, except to state unequivocally that the day in question essentially shaped the rest of my life, and is when I began both physical training and researching in earnest. […]

Life As a Woman Online

I don’t go out very often because I deal with severe social anxiety and depression as a result of my time on the Training Floor and repeated injuries – it often seems as though my entire life is dedicated simply to physio, walking the dog, writing, or sleeping – but when I do go out, […]

Fair Trade Principles in slow fashion and the economy

Fair trade principles state that through the intellectual and financial empowerment of individuals and through community building, advocacy and awareness campaigns, financial literacy and personal development programs, we can improve not just the quality of life but both industry and environmental standards. One of the primary difficulties I encounter while advocating for trafficking victims and […]

Business Idea Two – Video Game

I saw the introduction to what looks like an amazing feminist video game; based in a “developing” nation (? under sharia law) a princess in imprisoned by her own council, escapes, and returns to restore herself to the throne just to abolish the monarchy.  Princess Demolishes Monarchy Theoretical Game  (Please note this game coder recently […]

Game Idea – Fair Trade Business

I play several fashion design simulator games.  If you don’t know how that works, it is like being a dressmaker.  You can often compete in fashion shows, and like any other game, you use tokens. I have the idea of taking this another step further.  Basically, a shopping and design simulator using fair trade products […]